The beauty of rural Iran Panorama - Village of Stone MAYMAND

Maymand located in the deserts of Iran, 38 km from the city of Babak, Kerman Province and is located at 2240 meters above sea level. Undoubtedly Maymand villages including the village's oldest human-inhabited world. Since 12 thousand years ago until now Maymand villages still exist and are still inhabited by humans.

According to experts, the precursor to the village Maymand back to the days of sun-worship by the people of Iran. Those days, they make a dark cave as a place of worship. Tops of the mountains they make graves for the deceased family.

Maymand situated on the border between the desert and mountains. Near Maymand there are also many mulberry trees.

Maymand residents livelihoods are farming, livestock breeding and weaving. Weaving is a production mainstay Hambal Maymand village. The majority of residents Maymand raising goats.

Architecture building in Maymand has its own uniqueness. The building in this village like a mosque, school, public bath houses and the average was in the middle of the mountain. Uniquely hole in the middle of the mountain they scoop using the hands. Stone buildings in this village has two shades. The first is similar to building a house in the village Kandovan. Jg this village there is a museum.

Ancient houses in the village Maymand resembles the belly of the mountain cave. Mountains has rock structure and the rooms are situated in it is also very sturdy. This house also has a hallway and the pole. Each house is composed with each other sometimes up to five levels considering the number of slopes around the valley Maymand. High house in the village Maymand reach two meters and width can reach 16-20 square meters. Each house has no windows and chimneys.

For cooking and heating the room, residents make a fireplace in the middle of the room of the house. Therefore, the condition of the room was full of traces of smoke. Every house has a stone corridor to exit the ramp. A full house at Maymand which has rooms and warehouses or cattle sheds called kiche. The temperature in different rooms of five degrees Celsius with conditions outside the home.

The beauty and magic of the village Maymand only can we feel when we are watching it closely. Therefore, foreign tourists visiting the village is sure to express his admiration. The village also has the inn to welcome the tourists. This inn has five rooms and each room in the form of caves and mountains are in the stomach. In every room of equipment is placed a simple life of villagers.

The village is also a research area of the archaeologists. They studied the stone inscription which tells the life of these villagers.

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WANDERLUST, Hotel with Unique Interior Design in Singapore

WANDERLUST, Hotel with Unique Interior Design in Singapore
Wanderlust (noun) \ˈwän-dər-ˌləst\ – an irresistibly strong desire or an impulse to travel far away and explore different places.
a strong desire unbearable or desire to travel further and explore different places.

Wanderlust Hotel is a hotel 4 levels located in Little India, Singapore, which used to be the old school which was built in 1920. Number of rooms only 29 but every room has a unique design and different.

29 rooms and room the hotel's lobby was designed by three different architectural firms of Asylum, Phunk and Furious. The hotel is divided into 5 parts design that is Pantone, Pantone Deluxe, Mono, Mono Deluxe and Whimsical. Room rates starting from 180 SGD (around $130 / night).

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Backpacking Tips

Going abroad is no longer a dream now. With the increasing number of cheap airline tickets, free stay at home fellow backpacker around the world, dreams can come true around the world.
All lines of expenditure endeavored to find the lowest possible, even for free.

Backpacker comes from the backpack, which means a backpack or rucksack. Meanwhile, people who travel by using a backpack called a backpacker. So the activity of a journey undertaken by a backpacker called backpacking.

To travel as a backpacker synonymous with cheap travel. All lines of expenditure endeavored to find the lowest possible, even for free.

Here are tips on backpacking:

1. Find cheap airline tickets.
Diligent search for cheap plane tickets this information. If necessary, register (sign up) to a few websites so if there are cheap flight ticket promotion program, you'll be sent an e-mail.

2. Boxed Art backpack.
Try to pack the backpack and concisely as possible. The reason: because it will often change places. In addition, low-cost airlines only allow bags brought into the cabin free of charge a maximum of 7 kg. So, do you bring enough clothes and essentials. Forget that baseball is important rather than complicated and heavy-nenteng nenteng backpack,'ll actually will be making the trip.

3. Find information through the Internet, magazines, books about destinations would you go so you know exactly what you would do upon arrival.

4. Be cautious and alert throughout the journey. Keep passports, money and other valuables in a special bag and always embedded in the body. Never released in any place.

5. Do not bring valuable items.
If you carry a notebook and gadgets, be careful when sleeping in the dormitory room in backpacker hostels. Use the safety box in the hostel is to store valuables when sleeping and bathing.

6. For the backpacker women, do not wear excessive jewelry during backpacking. If necessary, use jewelry need not be at all precisely fishing was better than other people to do evil.


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