Millet day

Joy said that there was frost early in the morning today. So, we had to harvest the pepper earlier even if they are not red. It took us around 2 hours to harvest all of them and later we put it under normal temperature to force them to become red. Bun Sok said probably the quality would not be good.

We had guksu for lunch. Just noodle with anchovies broth plus as always kimchi. ^__^ My favourite is dried radish and dried pepper leaves mixed with gochujang. The taste was marvelous. Bun Sok prepared a lot of them for winter cause they could not get fresh vegetables, so they had to eat dried vegetables. She dried them earlier of June.

Later in the afternoon, we harvested millet. Hmm..This is my first time of hearing millet..ngehehe. Millet is from grain family. The plant looks almost similar to wheat but the taste is different.

I didn't bring my camera today during harvesting but here are some of my pictures of morning walk.

A shaman house.

Dandelion - remember the movie starring Hyun Bin and Lee Yeon Hee; A millionaire's first love?
Yeon Hee blew a dandelion.

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Tuesdays with Morrie

I managed to read half of the book when I visited Deoksu palace. It was Chi Won's and she lent it to me for a light reading. hmmm..since my uncle's passing, the message in the book is much clearer to me now.

It is a book about death. How death affects our lives and how we perceive it.
Once I'm back, I'll definitely find this book. It's indispensable. It taught me that we are just human and one day we will die but we keep forgetting that fact. The most important person is the people around me and I need to treasure the moment.

Incidentally, Bun Sok's brother-in-law's father passed away too yesterday. We discussed a lot from death, mother's love, one of her wwoofers' story - Denise, her doggies and even about my love life. Hahaha..Chatting with Bun Sok over a pile of garlics would be in my memory forever.

It was 12 degrees and much lower before I went out for my morning walk.

This is where I stay, next to Joy and Bun Sok's home. WWOOFers stay in a separate house.

Pokok keembung. It grows here in the mountain. Shocked!! Hehehe, one of my favourite flowers cause it is so easy to grow. I'm not much of a green hand.

Bun Sok picked some wild flowers for her home.


We made some seasoned sesame leaf. It is sooooo delicious!
The ingredient = soy sauce, anchovies, radish, onion, garlic, hot pepper and kelp. Soak the sesame leaves for 1 week, drain and reheat the liquid and soak the leaves again for another week.

My breakfast - nurungbab (the crust of burnt rice). Bon Suk made porridge of that crust. Simply delicious and with side dishes fish fillet, kimchi, laver and anchovies.

Later in the afternoon, the weather was warm around 24 degree and we peeled the garlics to make winter kimchi.

Bun Sok in action.

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