1. Know your goals
When you sit down to plan your holiday, the first step is to make sure you're very clear about what you want to get out of it. Do you want to recharge your body batteries? Do you want extensive family bonding?
2. Tailor your trip to fit those goals
If you want a lot of family togetherness, an all-inclusive resort might just the ticket.
3. Read up before you go
Get a good guidebook or two and read up on the culture, history and attractions. Surf the internet for more information; read
local publication online.
4. Pack light and right
Take clothes that are adaptable and cram every thing you need into a carry-on bag if you can.
5. Macro-planning
Don't try to fit too much into your trip; you'll be amazed how quickly the day go by.
6. Micro-planning
Everything takes longer than you think it will. In a city, don't try to do more than 3 things per day.
7. Leave time for serendipity
Remember that the best moments of just about any trip are the unexpected ones. Leave plenty of time to visit an irresistible shop or have a long chat with an old timer at a cafe.
8. Reserve the first night
To always have a place to stay the night you arrive somewhere. When you're tired and jet-lagged you don't want to have to deal with the 2 dozen touts who shout at you and pluck at your bag.
9. When you've got a lemon, make lemonade
Disaster happen. They're part of travel. You can fuss and fume or you can enjoy them.
10. Go local
Eat where the local eat, shop where they shop. Ask the hotel for recommendations.
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