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It is often when we are out to enjoy ourselves on vacation that we are more likely to experience events which can affect how much we enjoy the break. These things can often ruin a vacation and leave a bad taste in the mouth for a particular location; they can even be expensive! Situations like this can even escalate and it is not uncommon where people are reluctant to leave their room or even have to spend time in a Police station trying to explain the problem. Perhaps it is just that traveling safely requires some common sense and most of the time these days, we do not require it as someone else is always responsible for our mistakes!
Whatever it is you are doing or wherever you are, when you get that feeling that something doesn't feel right, that is your instinct; learn to listen to it. When you go out to discover new places, bars and restaurants, think about what you are taking with you; are all your credit cards, passport and airline tickets for example necessary where you are going? Consider just what you require for your trip out and take that, placing everything else that is of importance in your room or hotel safe. If you place your cash, traveler's checks and credit cards in various locations about your person, then there is less likelihood of pickpockets stealing all your financial assets and leaving you with nothing. It is also never a good idea for a couple to use the same credit card, when to travel safely it just is a simple matter to take a second card from a completely different account; as a replacement should one be mislaid or taken. A big thing now is bag and camera snatching from people strolling along, often in the road and unaware of the potential danger so make sure you wear the backpack on your back and sling your camera over your head and shoulder. Some of the easiest crimes involve snatch thieves that may actually work in teams; they locate unsuspecting victims who have a bag on their shoulder for instance that can be easily grabbed by a passing cycle or scooter. The reason most people fall for these tricks is because we are more relaxed on vacation and the people that carry out these crimes are very good at it.
The truth is we always believe it won't happen to us because we are too streetwise but it is that arrogance that gets us caught out and these individuals do this every day. If you use a small backpack or day bag when wandering the streets or local markets why not buy a small padlock because would be pickpockets will be put off straight away.
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