Located in Kanchanaburi, this is 120 km west and about two hours drive from Bangkok. The city was founded by King Rama I against a possible invasion by the Burmese military through three pagodas Pass.
Kanchanaburi is a beautiful city with beautiful nature, nice people and many picturesque Buddhist temples. Many people staying in guest houses, situated on the River. It is a great place to escape from the pulsating life of the busy Bangkok life.
Of rich tourists travel expensive package backpackers traveling through the cheapest form of public transport, hundreds of people towards Kanchanaburi daily to catch a glimpse of the famous bridge.
The film won three Guinness won the Oscar for best actor, David Lean for best director and the film for best picture. The scenario was adapted from a novel by Pierre Boule and ironic, like so many films about Vietnam was made in Thailand, the film was shot in Sri Lanka and England.
The film itself was a work of fiction, but over time people have come to believe that the story was based on real characters. The conditions Boule sets were very real, but that he was a prisoner of war itself.
See history of death railway here
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