Picture from http://www.holtinternational.org/
Recently, I contacted one of this blog readers; Miera who had volunteered at
Don't forget to check out her blog at http://seoulbliss.blissfuldeen.net/
1.Where did you volunteer in SouthKorea? (location and the institution name)
I’vevolunteered at HOLT Ilsan,Goyang, Gyeonggi- do in Korea. It is called HOLT, named after thefounder, late Harry & Bertha Holt. It is an orphanage founded by anAmerican couple and it has developed into an orphanage for those with specialneeds. One of their daughters, dear Ms Molly Holt lives at theorphanage and is actively involve in the development of Holt orphanage. Do readon at http://www.holt.or.kr/holt/.
2.How did you find the information aboutvolunteering in South Korea?
Coupleof months before my trip, I’ve tried to write in to few orphanages andorganizations by goggling this information. But unfortunately, to no avail asmost of them may need to liaise in Korean or they may require at long- termcommitment.
Fortunately,I chance upon a blog by a Korean adoptee, dear Melinda who had blogged on her 4months experience at Holt, Korea. I’ve contacted Melinda and she kindly helpedto channel me to the main contact.Do check out her inspiring blog at http://holtkorea.blogspot.com/.
3.How long is the volunteer program?
Therecommended volunteering programme is for more than 2 months. It is essentialfor such long period of commitment so as to develop good rapport with theresidents in the orphanages.
4.Did you have to pay for any membershipfee to join the volunteer program?
Nopayment is required.
5.Is the accommodation and food includedin the program? If not how you manage for it?
Bothaccommodation and food are included in this program. However, for muslims likemyself who have halal restrictions, we are allowed to cook our own meals at thedorm kitchen. But those who may consider permissible food, such as seafood andvegetables, these food are always served during the main meals.
6.Any preparation that need to be donebefore you join the volunteer program?
It isbest to try to learn basic Korean or to prepare some crafts or fun activitiesthat may be of interest to the varied age group in the orphanage.
7.Is it compulsory to speak Korean whiledoing the volunteer activities? If not, how do you manage to interact?
Themain host for this volunteer programme, Ms Molly Holt is an American. Hence,she speaks English and some of the staff does understand English. However, thehousemothers taking care of the residents and the residents themselves, onlyspeaks in Korea. It is not compulsory to be able to speak in Korean but to knowbasic greetings and conversational language would be a great advantage.
During myvolunteering stint, I was lucky to be paired with an American Korean volunteer,lovely Youmi. Youmi speaks fluent English and Korean and she was my main interpreterwith the staff and the residents. However, I’ve wrote a reflection below on myblog (http://seoulbliss.blissfuldeen.net/)
“Although, I am not able to converse with thembut the simple pleasure of “play & massages” were the language we used tocommunicate. The magic of touch and play were the simple pleasures tocommunicate the expression of joy and laughter.
The young ladies love to be pampered with handmassages and manicure. The “manicure” moments were indeed a therapeutic momentwhen physical bond is developed when we “touch”.
Where else, The young lads love to be engagedin silly playful games. As humour is the language to utilize when one is lostin translation. A silly game of who “push out the barrel” brings lots of joyand laughter.”
8.What made you want to do volunteerprogram in South Korea?
Since2006, I have been intrigued by anything and everything about Korea, which I’vegrown to love while watching their entertainment, variety and culture shows. Ithas been my ideal traveling destination since then. However, it has also beenmy personal mission to be able to render my volunteering service whiletraveling. Hence, to be able to travel and volunteer in South Korea is indeed adream come true for me in seek of happiness, in whatever form it may come. As,
“Happinessis the consequence of personal effort.
You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it,
and sometimes even travel around the world lookingfor it.
You have to participate relentlessly in
the manifestations of your own blessings…”
by Elizabeth Gilbert
You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it,
and sometimes even travel around the world lookingfor it.
You have to participate relentlessly in
the manifestations of your own blessings…”
by Elizabeth Gilbert
9.What have you gained after doing thevolunteer program?
On 19 December 2010, which was actually on my birthday, I waswelcomed warmly to a humble abode. A home filled with abundant love andhumility for the special ones. I would call this home as the paradise hub ofHOLT Ilsan, Korea. I was honored to be able to meet and stay with Molly Holt,one of the founder’s daughter. Dear Ms Molly, has contributed most of herlifetime to the orphanage, always lending a helping hand to those that visither humble abode. It was humbling to be able to see how Ms Molly embraceshumility as her LIFE, daily and regardlessly. Whenever someone is in need, sheis always in action…”LOVE in action” at their calls”.
Before travelling to Korea, I was in search of “a humble town”.A town that embraces humility as their daily nutrition to keep them humanelyalive. To be able to find this humble town on my birthday is surreal. Ithanked HIM, the Almighty for “connecting the dots” for me to be able to LIVEbreathing in daily supply of air of humility.
Thevolunteering experience at HOLT is a soulful retreat that bestowed me with mylife mantra to live life humbly, embracing humility with His blessings.
10.Any unforgettable moments (funny,sad, dissappointment) during the program?
Everymoment is unforgettable, for every new day I was there, the children neverfails to teach me. Every face tells a story and each of thesefaces tell a special story, they are orphans with special needs/ disability.There was never a sad or disappointment moment as they never fail to surpriseme and when being with them, one can only feel joy and blessed.
11. A few words of advice for futurevolunteers ?
Forthose who are interested to volunteer in Korea, it is best if you do have aKorean friend that can help you to liaise with the organization. If you do nothave any, don’t be disheartened, as if you do google on volunteering in Korea,you may chance upon some kind souls who blogs about their experience and try tocontact them. Most volunteering experience may require a commitment of at least1 month or more, but there are some that would accept you on a short- termbasis.
For those who are interested to volunteer at Ilsan Holt, Korea, do check outtheir website - http://www.holtinternational.org/korea/ilsan/
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