While you are in Indonesia, you should only use cash to makepurchases or transactions. Credit card fraud is rampant in Indonesia,and I just think it would be best to avoid using your credit cardwhile in country.
You have several options to access cash in Indonesia:
1. Bring the currency with you.
You can order foreign currency at mostbanks in the U.S. and they should have it for you in less than 5 days.
Pros: You have your money when you arrive in country and you don'thave to worry about using money changers or anything. There issomething to be said for not having to worry about changing your moneythe second you arrive at the airport, when you are exhausted and disoriented and probably cranky.
Cons: Probably the worst exchange rate you're going to find. However, if you wantto just order a little bit of currency and change the rest when youget in country, that's not a bad option either.
2. You can exchange your money when you get to the Surabaya airport, however the exchange rate is better in Jakarta Airport.
If you choose this option, definitely bring the crispest, cleanest,NEWEST $100 bills you can find. Go to the bank to get these. If yourbills are from before 1996, too worn, or torn in any way, they willnot accept them. And that would suck. You get the best exchange rateon $100 bills, then $50 bills have the next best rate, and they maynot accept anything smaller than a $20 bill.
Pros: Good exchange rate.
Cons: It's a hassle, and sometimes their English is pretty bad.There's a higher risk of getting fake currency, although this is unlikely.
3. You can exchange money at a local bank in Indonesia. The samewear&tear issues from #2 apply here.
Pros: Best exchange rate you can find.
Cons: A really really really big hassle. I do NOT recommenddoing this, as it is time consuming and just annoying to try and finda good bank.
4. Traveler's cheques.
Pros: Good exchange rate, very SAFE.
Cons: big hassle
5. You can withdraw your money at ATMs. This is a really the best option because ATMs really are all over the place at airports and shoppingmalls and other places like that. Most ATM cards will work in Indonesia (those associated with Visa, MasterCard, Plus, Cirrus, etc.are all accepted).
Pros: Good exchange rate. You don't have to actually deal with real people, which is nice and safe when you're in Indonesia.
Cons: You might get charged with fees all over the place. Anything from yourbank charging you a transaction fee bc it's not one of theirATMs, then you'll have an International Transaction fee, then you will most likely get charged a fee from the Indonesian bank whose ATM itis, etc.
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