Doughnut Plant New York City in Seoul

Suddenly I'm craving for doughnut.

My attempt at doughnut making

Can mine beat Doughnut Plant NYC? ㅎㅎㅎ


Doughnut Plant New York City's doughnut

sinfully tempting..T_T
Pictures courtesy of Coupang

Doughnut Plant NYC in Myeongdong is right across Lotte Shopping Complex.
Official website:

Let's practise some Hangul ok? Tell me if you succeed in reading it. ^^

메뉴안내 - menu guide
베이커리 - bakery
품명 - name
가격 - price
케익 도넛 - cake doughnut
베이커리 도넛 -bakery doughnut
시나몬 슈가 - cinnamon sugar
에스프레소케익 - espresso cake
카시스초코 - cassis chocolate
아문드바닐라 - almond vanilla
바닐라&쵸코렛 - vanilla and chocolate
올드훼션슈가파우더 - old fashion sugar powder
그린티 - green tea
화이트세사미 - white sesame
프리미엄쵸코- premium chocolate
블랙아웃 - black out
트레스레체 - tres lecce
마크크렘블레 - mark creme brulee
마스카포네치즈크림케익 - mascapone cheese cream cake
슬스트로베리초코 - strawberry chocolate
보스톤 - boston
허니바닐라 - honey vanilla

Price of doughnut
1,700 - 4,800 won

Price for coffee
3,000 - 6,000 won

Check out this article for doughnut war in Korea and ZenKimchi's review of Doughnut Plant NYC.


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