Taman Narmada in Bali, Indonesia

Located just 11 km east of Mataram, Taman Narmada is a beautiful water garden which was constructed by the King of Mataram in 1805 as a replica of the summit of Mount Rinjani and its Crater Lake, Segara Anakan, when he was no longer able to climb the 3,726 m-high Mount Rinjani to make offerings to the God. This beautiful water garden takes its name from a sacred river in India. Taman Narmada is not just used as a place to worship God but also a pleasure garden for the King and his family.

Inside Taman Narmada, visitors can visit Pura Kalasa, a temple that is used as avenue of ceremony to celebrate the anniversary of god who dwells on Mount Rinjani. To reach this temple, the visitors have to conquer dozens of stairs but the exhaustion will soon recede for the lush green view of the surrounding combine with a fresh spring water will sooth the mind.

Taman Narmada also houses a sacred spring whose water is believed can give a long life and preserve the youthful appearance, in short this spring is believed to be the fountain of youth.

It is best to visit Taman Narmada around November or December since a great ceremony will be held in this water garden by the Hindu followers.


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