
Flight Ticket - RM2,000
Accommodation, on-land Transportation and Food - RM3,000
Emergency - RM1,000

Plan A:
October - Gwangju
November - Seoul and Gyeonggi-do (My friends Hanim and Tutie will join for Seoul-Tour)
December - Gangwon-do

Plan B:
October - Gangwon-do
November - Seoul and Gyeonggi-do (My friends Hanim and Tutie will join for Seoul-Tour)
December - Gwangju and Daegu/Busan

Why I skipped Jeju-do?

I don't want to sound snobbish and proud here.
This is purely my own opinion, even though I am well aware of the infamous Jeju-do.
I love Malaysia's islands better such as Redang, Tioman, Pangkor and Langkawi.
However, I am not going to restrict myself, if the time allow and the budget too, I will someday visit Jeju-do. Fair enough?

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Learning Korean

Inside my budget travel plan, learning the language of the country that I want to visit is a must. I have always love to challenge myself at some point.

Prior to this, one of my buddies has visited South Korea around December 2008. I have relentlessly advised her to study and practise Korean language; at least the Korean survival phrases. She claimed that it would be alright. I told her that it would be different if she travelled in English-speaking countries.

She regretted it..really. Not only she lost her way once she reached Incheon airport. All the hassle she went through to find her hotel has etched sour memories. Of course sour or sad memories if you think again it will become sweet as well, but all the troubles and waste of time?
Heheh..impossible to replace time though.

My advise: If you are in Rome, do what the Roman do.

*If not all, the least is to learn the language a bit, to show your interest. Little things go a long way* - Learn Korean with Free Daily Podcasts

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Cambodia Travel

Travel Tour to Cambodia Tourism culture and History tour Cambodia in general Ancient temples, deserted beaches, mighty rivers, remote forests ... and, beyond Angkor, few visitors. Cambodia has emerged from the ashes after decades of war and isolation, which made it a country of atrocities, refugees, poverty and political instability. The magic of Angkor temples to attract back the tourists, who

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Travel to New Caledonia

Travel Tour to New Caledonia Tourism Culture and History tour New Caledonia in general Clans and coffee with milk, reef and slavery, massacres and Melanesian dishes of the day. New Caledonia is a good example of the saying, "the bread which comes from eating some of the sweat and blood of others." France remains attached to this part of the world, and has sent its Marines several times to keep

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