Reviews on Wwoofing in Korea

Despite some uncomfortable experiences that I encountered during wwoofing in Korea, I can't stress enough how wwoofing has taught me about Korean culture and their lifestyle. The farming is unquestionably tiring but self-redeeming at the end of the day.

As I'll be going to Korea again, I can't resist to wwoof. Definitely. :) this time? It's gonna none other than *drum roll* Jeju Island! The people speak unfathomable dialect compared to the standard spoken Seoul dialect. I wonder how much can I comprehend?

If you think about wwoofing in Korea, I stumbled upon this great site at Daum cafe which contains reviews of wwoofer's experiences. Bear in mind that wwoofing is not all glitters and bling bling so it might not be your cup of tea.

Picture courtesy of Joy's Farm at

As per the Daum cafe's description in here;  'Zarina Zani from Malaysia sieves millet in Nov. 2009.' Cool..isn't it zany when my father's name has become Zani instead of Jani? hehehe..^^

For more info about wwoofing in Korea-

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