Gyeongju Bread or Hwangnam Bread

Danielle brought Gyeongju Bread or Hwangnam Bread when she visited me way back in mid January and I still had it in my fridge. Actually I had no idea that it was still in the fridge untouched until I rummaged through my fridge for tidbits. 

When I visited Gyeongju, I stopped by at one of the bakeries there and bought a box for Bun Sok and Joy. If I still remember it right, a box of 20 pieces was about 10,000 won. The taste? Heaven. ^^ This opinion is coming from a person who loves anything to do with red bean..hehe. So I'm a bit bias. 

If you have the time to visit Gyeongju, don't forget to try this cookies. Just ask anyone around for Gyeongju bread and they will be willing to show you the direction to one of the bakeries!^^ 

My only regret is that I didn't have enough time to visit Queen Seon Deok's graveyard. Next time maybe.

Gyeongju bread, also sometimes called Hwangnam bread (named after the district of its origin), is a local specialty of Gyeongju City,South Korea. It is a small pastry with a filling of red bean paste. Gyeongju bread was first baked in 1939 at a bakery in Hwangnam-dong in central Gyeongju. It has since become popular across the country and is produced by several different companies, all based in Gyeongju. It is sold at many locations in the city, and also at specialized stores around the country.[1][2]  Source: Wikipedia

Check out for Gyeongju Bread or 경주빵 and more information at KNTO website 

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Malaysia My 2nd Home

To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. Many would agree that Malaysia is the perfect combination of comforts and indulgences. Great weather, amazing food, warm people, low cost of living coupled with high standard of living, state-of-the-art infrastructure, rich culture and a charming history make it a place easy to call home. Countless people have come to Malaysia and fallen in love with it, coming back repeatedly or even making plans to retire here. The Malaysian Government recognizes this and has set up a programme to make it easier for expatriates to retire here. The Malaysia My Second Home Programme allows foreigners to stay in the country indefinitely on a social visit pass with a multiple entry visa.

There is a large expatriate community living in Malaysia. Like Malaysians, they enjoy an active social life, being able to easily indulge in a huge range of activities, from fine dining to sailing. Malaysia has one of the highest standards of living in the region where luxuries are so affordable that it is easy to enjoy the good life here. Cost of living is one of the lowest in Asia and will remain so for a very long time. This is achieved through the Government’s efficient monitoring of the economy in ensuring that inflation is kept low at all times and thereby also the prices of goods and services.

This strong economy has secured a comprehensive infrastructure. The whole country is very well connected with up-to-date, modern road, rail, air, and sea transportation systems. Public transport by buses, taxis, trains and planes are comfortable, efficient and relatively low in cost. The healthcare system is also excellent, drawing many short-term visitors from around the world. The country has a very efficient healthcare system where medical services are provided at nominal cost. Private doctors, clinics and also hospitals of international standards are easily available throughout the country at a very reasonable cost.

A healthy economy, good infrastructure and luxury amenities aren’t the only draw; Malaysia is also a pluralistic society where people practise their own way of life in peace and harmony. Freedom is one of the key reasons many find Malaysia attractive. It is so easy to live the calm life here, where people respect each other’s differences. Malaysians in general are very warm and friendly, always open to learning about other cultures. Although Islam is the national religion, there is a sizable population of Christians, Buddhists and Hindus here, with ample places of worship dotting the entire country.

The weather is pleasant, warm and balmy with moderate rain throughout the year. There are also highland residential areas and resorts with permanent spring-like weather throughout the country. See it to believe it, an ideal place to call home and a government programme to make your dream a reality. To find a home away from home, the time is now, the place is Malaysia.

Detail information, please check here

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