How to Purchase Tickets from T'Way Airlines for Jeju Island

After becoming a member, let's book a flight ticket to Jeju Island!

Go to T'Way Airlines website:
Follow the steps below. To become a T'Way Airlines member, check the post here
  1. Choose Login
  2. Key in user name
  3. Key in password
  4. Click Login to go to the next page.

Once you successfully logged in, the word '로그인' will change to '로그아웃' which reads 'log out'
To book ticket to Jeju Island, please refer to the picture below.

국내선 예매 - Domestic reservation
여정선택 - Journey or itinerary selection
왕복 - Round trip
편도 - One way
출발지 - Origin
도착지 - Destination
가는날 - Date of Departure
오는날 - Date of Arrival 
김포 - Gimpo
제주 - Jeju
성인 - Adult
소아 - Children
유아 - Infant
-인 - Person / people
만 2세-12세 - Between age 2 to 12
만 2세 미만 - Less than 2 years old
프루모션 코드 - Promotion code

예매하기 - Reserve

Choose the date that you want to go and how many people/children/infant that you want to book then press the button to go to the next page.

As always, choose the cheapest according to your time and plan. I have chosen the dates and time as above hence the total price is 69,200 won roughly for less than RM200. Then, press '다음' which means next.

You will be prompted to confirm on '여정 운임규정' journey fare rules. Tick the box and press the button '확인' for the next page.

The details of your itinerary will be shown for your confirmation and the 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' are your details. Press '입력완료' for input/details completion.

Key in your details of payment. 
First, choose '해외카드' International card under '카드구분' section. 
카드종류 - Card Type - 비자 Visa, 마스터 Master, 아멕스 AMEX
카드번호 - Card Number
카드만료일 - Card Expiration
After that, press '결제하기' for payment. 

This is your booking details. Click '예매 확인 증' which is highlighted in pink to print the booking confirmation.

Click the 'printer' icon to print.

Good luck in booking a flight ticket to Jeju Island with T'Way Airlines!!

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