
Asakusa is known for her temples and shrines, souvenirs, shopping streets and that special old world charm atmosphere that always make you want to return there.There are few option to explore Asakusa:

1. You can get there using the Ginza line (station number G19) or the Asakusa line (station number A18), and continue by foot.

Asakusa Map

First you should go to the local tourist information center at 2-1809 Kaminarinom. It is easily spoted because of the nusical clock above the main entrance. Dolls of dancers and figures carrying a golden dragon appear every hour from 10:00 to 19:00.

2. If you have a Japanese friend with you, you can take a guided tour around Asakusa by a rickshaw - it will cost you 5000 yen for one person/ 8000 yen for a couple for a 30 minutes tour. You can find this service just outside the tourist information center, but it’s in Japanese only.

3. Guided tours:
The Tokyo Metropolitan Area SGG Club – this is a Systematized Goodwill Guide offer tourists from overseas free local tours guided in English and other languages.
The service is free as the guides are volunteers.
Contact for more details: 03-38425566

Many companies include the main Asakusa attraction into their morning or evening tour of Tokyo. This 4 hour tour will cost about 5,500 Yen for adult and 3,300 for a child. This is a good option if your stay in Tokyo is short, and you want to see as much as possible. Another plus of this program is that you can be peaked up directly from your hotel.
Here are some links to the companies offering there tours:
City Discovery
JTB Sunrise tours
(I used the JTP for one of my tours and the service was very good).

More information on this area you will find in there posts:
Asakusa - Where to go
Asakusa Shopping
Asakusa Events
Asakusa Hotels


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