Shopping in Victoria Market

MELBOURNE, - If you are visiting Melbourne, Australia, or rather, it could not hurt if it took a stop at the Victoria Market. Victoria Market is a traditional market is quite popular among Australians.

Regarding the traditional market in Melbourne, located in the state of Victoria, you do not imagine how dirty, muddy, chaotic, as you may often encounter in the big cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta.

When entering the region one of the oldest traditional markets in Melbourne this, you may think are in the middle of a shopping center in Jakarta. Physically, Victoria Market looks clean. Stalls lined up neatly by category. There are parts of fruit and vegetables, meat, toys, clothes, flowers, souvenirs to household appliances and furnishings.

When visit, had just finished pouring rain some parts of Melbourne, but the market remains relatively dry floor. The smell of meat that often terendus while in traditional markets in Jakarta, no.

Traders at the Victoria Market is divided into several categories. There is a stall in the form of a table made of concrete, semi-foot-five (using wooden table), to have its own kiosk. Almost all traders set their prices before the goods wares.

Especially the fruit, monitoring, there are parts of supermarkets (self service). That is, buyers are welcome to take the fruits that would be purchased and put into plastic bags. Furthermore, buyers with orderly queue in queue lines waiting for the stall owners who will weigh and calculate the price.

This market also provide trolleys and long chairs designated for visitors who are exhausted. Not infrequently found a visitor who was reading a newspaper or reading a book while unwind after shopping. Some are listening to music from the iPad was carrying. I was so comfortable shopping at Victoria Market, a few visitors and even helped bring balitanya with strollers. There is also a shop, carrying pets.

In terms of fashion, visitors to Victoria Market also looked comfortable with open clothing that is actually more suitable subject while in the mall. About environmental awareness, this market managers also campaigning for local government policies that encourage people to bring their own plastic bags. Posters plea for using old plastic bags taped in some corners of the market.

This market is also implementing a secure system of free parking on Mondays-Fridays. Meanwhile, on Saturday and Sunday, free visitor parking fees if the shop from 6:00 to 10:00 o'clock.

So, what about toilets? Please throw away the shadow market that sometimes dirty toilet and cause odor. Toilets Victoria Market is very clean. In the toilet cubicles, there is a large roll of paper towels ready for use. There is also a sink with soap and hand dryers, urinal clean, glass, and others.

When around Victoria Market, even meet shopkeepers and buyers from Indonesia. Ning, a shopkeeper t-shirts and souvenirs typical of Australia, is one of them. Ning, a woman from Tegal, Central Java is a new claim to work in Australia for six months. Unfortunately, due to limited time, could not talk long. After talking briefly about the state of the homeland, we were soon parted.

There is also Sutardjo, shopkeepers from Muntilan, Central Java. Sutardjo new claims a year in Australia. Just like Ning, Sutardjo also keep souvenir shop.

Meanwhile, Sari a visitor from Indonesia, precisely from Bandung, West Java, claim to be happy shopping at these markets. According to his testimony, the difference in price between the supermarket and the Victoria Market is significant. For fruit and vegetables, he added, the difference in price ranging from one Australian dollar.

In fact, Sari claimed to have tips that can get even cheaper prices. "Wait until late afternoon. The goods of daily needs such as vegetables and meats that have not sold that day, usually discounted. The price becomes more affordable, "he said. who did not miss the opportunity to shop, but not buy vegetables or meat but distinctive Australian souvenirs and get a discount. (Hindra Liu)


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