Plan your trip to Philippines

General Info

Filipinos often use their eyes, lips, and hands to convey a wide range of messages. Raised eyebrows and a smile indicate a silent "hello" or a "yes" in answer to a question. Fixed eye contact between men is considered an aggressive gesture. The proper method to summon somebody is with a downward wave.

Filipinos place great emphasis on polite language and gentle conversation. Voice tone is always soft and gentle, and direct questions should be avoided. Filipinos value their self-esteem, so never criticize or argue with them publicly.

Most men, when so provoked, will fight for the preservation of their pride or self-esteem. Avoid topics such as politics, religion, corruption and foreign aid. Filipinos enjoy conversations about their families.

What to Wear

People in the Philippines dress for the weather (HOT!) Casual attire during the day for women is light blouses and shorts. For men collared T- shirts worn over slacks. In the evening skirts are substituted for shorts and the T-shirts are tucked in.

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