Miri, Sarawak

Miri, the second City of Sarawak, is situated in northern Sarawak, close to the Sarawak-Brunei border on the legendary island of Borneo. The City has grown phenomenally since oil was first discovered in the early 1900s, burgeoning into the modern and dynamic business, commercial and educational centre it is today. It is also the stepping-off point to many of Sarawak's world-famous national parks such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site Gunung Mulu, Niah National Park, Lambir Hills National Park and Loagan Bunut National Park, as well as other major tourist attractions. A state-of-the-art Marina attracts the international yachting community, and divers who are keen to explore the ‘under water jungles’ below.

Situated at the northern end of the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo and adjacent to the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam.

Miri has a population of about 300,000 consisting of Chinese, Dayak, Malay, Melanau, Indian, Kayan, Kenyan, Kelabit, Bidayu, Penan and other indigenous groups.

The people of Sarawak lends a complex and colourful demografical feature with the various mix of races. The races comprised of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kelabits, Melanaus, Kayan, Kenyah, Ibans, Bidayuhs and the Penans. Through this broad classifications, the races are further sub-divided into different tribes, each having their own particular areas of abode, occupation and language.

However, with the commercial, industrial and technological advances coupled with easy accessibility and at the same time we witnessed a growing number of inter racial marriages among locals, at present we are confronted with a potpourri of customs, traditions and beliefs retain throughout the generations.

It would be a difficult task to differentiate one race from the other for the general populace look similar except that some are a shade or two darker than others. It is interesting to note here that people of different creeds live side by side in full religious tolerance. Each religious festivals for different races are celebrated by one and all alike, while greetings, wishes and visits are exchanged.


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